Home » The Russian Army Will Receive a New Mining System “Agriculture”
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The Russian Army Will Receive a New Mining System “Agriculture”

By the end of 2023, several engineering units and formations of the military districts of the Russian army will receive a new remote mining system “Agriculture”, Izvestia reports, citing sources in the Russian Defense Ministry. The installation looks like a multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) and works on a similar principle.

It fires 122mm rockets, but instead of exploding when they hit the ground, they burrow and go into firing position. The flight range of ammunition is from 5 to 15 km. With one salvo, the system can cover an area comparable to the area of ​​several football fields. The combat vehicle is equipped with a satellite navigation system, a computer and a weather station.

The interlocutors of the publication report that over the two years of operation, the system has successfully coped both in exercises and in combat conditions. However, earlier there were certain doubts about the advisability of including it in the armament of the Russian army.

Earlier it was reported that Russia has created prototypes of the latest stealth material that absorbs 95% of the radiation of radar stations. It can be used for the manufacture of aircraft parts, including airplanes.

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