Home » How Ukraine Plans to Interfere With Russia’s Chairmanship of the UN Security Council: Foreign Ministry Explanation
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How Ukraine Plans to Interfere With Russia’s Chairmanship of the UN Security Council: Foreign Ministry Explanation

It is unlikely that it will be possible to interfere with the Russian chairmanship, since it is provided for by the work schedule of the UN Security Council. However, as Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said, Ukraine is working to ensure that the aggressor country is excluded from the Security Council and the UN as a whole.

This is stated in the material RBC-Ukraine “Tyrants do not belong here. How to expel Russia from the UN Security Council and not repeat the fate of the League of Nations.”

“We are systematically working to prove the illegitimacy of Russia’s presence in the UN. It must be cornered by existing legal procedures in order not to be able to spread lies about the war in Ukraine and abuse its chairmanship,” Kuleba explained during an online discussion on the topic of expulsion Russia from the UN Security Council.

In turn, the speaker of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Oleg Nikolenko, in a commentary to the publication, noted that Ukraine plans, together with partners, to draw attention to the illegitimacy of Russia’s presence in the UN Security Council through collective demarches and other steps.

Recall that earlier Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that if the Russian Federation still chairs the UN Security Council from April 1, then it should be procedurally cornered and not given the opportunity to promote false narratives about the war against Ukraine.

Let us add, as the United States recently stated, so far there is allegedly no international legal way to expel Russia from the United Nations Security Council.

Source: rbc
